Monday, October 13, 2008


7 things I plan to do before I die...

1. Help my husband build our dream home
2. Go to Italy and see where my ancestors are from
3. Take Jasmine to Disney World
4. Get Jasmine's scrapbook done
5. Get all my debt payed off
6. Get Jasmine through school (hopefully she doesn't give me as much trouble as I gave my parents!)
7. Get a giant bull moose

7 things I can do...

1. Cook
2. Hunt
3. Golf
4. Show my family how much I love them
5. Grow a garden, even though I swore I never would
6. Scrapbook
7. Have as much fun as possible

7 things I cannot do...

1. French braid my little ones hair ( no matter how many times I try)
2. Keep my house clean
3. Stop myself from yelling when I'm mad
4. Loose weight
5. Stop loving my Jas even when she makes me angry
6. Survive without my family
7. Read a book without having to start it over at least 4 or 5 times

7 Things that attract me to my spouse

1. His awsome blue eyes
2. His smile
3. The way he supports his/our family
4. He makes me happy(most of the time)
5. His love for me and Jas
6. He makes me laugh
7. He never lets me go to bed mad, we always have to talk things out

7 Things I say the most

1. Stop Whining
2. NO
3. "duh"
4. Love you lots
5. Be careful
6. Clean your room!
7. Listen to me

7 Favorite foods...

1. Pizza
2. Peaches and cream
3. Grilled cheese w/tomato soup
4. Dr.Pepper
5. Fried Zucchini
6. Chips and salsa
7. Elk camp dinner (its yummy)

On to the eights....
8 favorite tv shows:

1. Days of Our Lives
2. C.S.I (all of them)
3. Criminal minds
4. Charmed
5. America's Funniest Home Video's
6. NASCAR Races
7. News
8. Planet Earth

8 Favorite restaurants:

1. Maddox
2. Chilli's
3. Red Lobster
4. Wendy's
5. Denny's
6. Taco Time
7. J.C.'s Diner
8. Arby's

8 Things That Happened yesterday:

1. Slept in
2. Watched the NASCAR races
3. Rubbed Vicks on Jas cause she is sick
4. Got the vaporizer out and going
5. Checked our tomato's that we brought into the garage to make sure they didn't freeze
6. Drove home on snowy roads from Jerome
7. Cooked dinner
8. Went to bed somewhat early

8 Things I Am Looking Forward To:

1. Going on a field trip with Jas' class
2. Halloween
3. My Anniversary
4. Andy's Birthday
5. My deer hunt (it starts Saturday)
6. Andy's elk hunt
7. Thanksgiving

1 comment:

Mary Ellen said...

I didn't know that you scrap- if we lived closer we would have a lot of fun.

Jasmine's Kindergarten Picture

Jasmine's Kindergarten Picture

Just before leaving for school

Just before leaving for school

First Day of School

First Day of School
She was wondering why we showed up at the school!