Thursday, March 26, 2009

Up to date

Well nothing much has changed, I'm still going into work at 4 a.m. so I am very cranky and tired all the time. Our financial situation is horrible right now, Andy is almost 4 months behind on paychecks, and I don't make a whole lot but it is enough to keep us afloat. To try and catch us up on bills he is trying to sell his rifle that he got the year he shot his Rocky Mountain Big Horn, which sucks cause it means a lot to him but it is the most valuable thing we own that we aren't still paying for. We are hoping to get a good tax return, but we don't know when those will be done, the tax guy we go threw has had them since the middle of January, but we have to wait for his company taxes to get done before we can file ours, so who knows when that will happen! Jasmine lost another tooth, this one is on the top and is very noticable! She had class pictures yesterday and I told her to smile big so we could see her toothless smile! Well that is about it, untill I feel like blogging again!!!!!

1 comment:

The McKee's said...

Well you best be bloggin soon cause some of us like to read it!

Jasmine's Kindergarten Picture

Jasmine's Kindergarten Picture

Just before leaving for school

Just before leaving for school

First Day of School

First Day of School
She was wondering why we showed up at the school!